About PeopleBench.
Placing people at the heart of school performance.
We are PeopleBench.
PeopleBench is a school workforce improvement company. We help education leaders make their schools great places to work so they can be great places to learn. Our online platform provides district and school leaders with the tools to take an evidence-informed approach to workforce strategy in order to maximize their impact on student outcomes.
Our team of workplace psychologists, educators, human resource specialists, and data scientists combine their passion for the education sector with their deep industry and technical knowledge to create new solutions in Strategy, Organizational Design and Change interventions for schools and school systems.
PeopleBench is working with districts across the U.S. from Arizona to California, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Vermont, including Title 1, inner city and rural schools. To further its evidence-based impact PeopleBench has partnered with the Pennsylvania Graduate School of Educations Project for Mental Health and Optimal Development, which explores the relationship between mental health and optimal development among children, youth, and the adults who support them.
PeopleBench is proudly aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
The work of PeopleBench contributes to four of the 17 goals: